The time to be the hero has come for Jade, although she never wanted to rise as a legend in her life now the opportunity has been given to her. She had no other way except to grab this one opportunity that could set her free and the others who are put in captivity. Before this, she was put in a hospital bed where her chances of survival were quite grim for her. In the four walls of the hospital, she was like a patient who possess no hope of survival.
Then she just broke the shackles and came out in the open where surviving is even tougher. Here everyone is trying to hunt you down and you have to hunt Mesmer before things go out of control permanently. Jade has been the kind of person who was hungry for action and adventure throughout her life and now when she has the chance, she does not want to miss anything.
Jay Boyce is the author of the series and it appears that the author is a very good painter as well because he has provided a nice picture of the woods. Narrator Samara Naeymi stopped at one or two places but the pauses were intentional. Lotus Lake and Siphon have further delight for you if you are a true fan of Jay Boyce.
There is no stopping to fun and adventure which is there for people of all age groups. Just don’t try to take a break in the story as long as the ending is not done. The ending does not come at once rather the author paves the way for a nice ending at first and then it is served.