Fair Game

This volume “Fair Game” is written by Josh Lanyon and narrated by Sawyer Allende. Josh Lanyon has unremarkable publications Bell, Book, and Scandal and Mystery at Masquerade are matchless in their description. If anyone wants to have a detailed read of his work then the mentioned volume “Fair Game” is the more exceptional volume to read of Josh Lanyon.

A devastating knee injury constrained “Elliot Mills” to exchange his “FBI” identification for dusty blackboards and exhausted understudies. Currently, an instructor at “Puget Sound University”, the earlier specialist has forward his previous lifestyle behind him, however, it appeared that his previous lifestyle was not done with him.

A youngster has disappeared from university ground and out of consideration for a family companion “Elliot” consented to do a little inhaling around. His examinations carry him up close and personal with his previous beloved one “Tucker Lance” the specialist taking care of the incident.

Things finished imperfectly with “Tucker” and none was ready to surrender on the battle that threw them away. But they have to find a way to move far away from their previous experiences and joined gain as more men were misplaced and “Elliot” became the core prey in an executioner’s addictive play.

The characters of Tucker Lance and Elliot Mills were engaging and fascinated with their tale. This was an incredible first encounter that the story was drawing in and the storyteller worked hard in communicating feeling through his narration.

Full Audiobook
