The series is written by the superb author and narrator Douglas Adams. He tells us in the first part of the series i.e The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy that the earth is finally destroyed and two humans were able to save themselves accidentally. Those humans in which Arthur Dent the main character, started their journey in the universe along with the aliens because they had nowhere else to go.
This is the story that is basically transferred to us by Arthur who tells about the amazing things that he witnesses during his tour of the galaxy. At first, he was just killing his time because he knew that sooner or later he would die as well after which the human race will finally get extinct.
When a female human is also found, the two form a community once again and start finding the perfect place for themselves. The story is comic in nature so don’t take it seriously. The author has discussed the most devastating things in human history in a funny way. Adams never wanted to terrify the public rather he wanted to capture their attention so that they would listen to the entire thing till the last line. So Long and Thanks for All the Fish will make you laugh out loud as well.
There is a proper reason behind the creation of these books but the author never wanted his fans to take a negative gesture at any stage. This is the version in which the author has narrated the entire series in front of the public on his own. The fun is doubled because the author has enjoyed talking about the book.